Main festivities of the United States

Main festivities of the United States


Thinking about working or studying in the United States? Well, then you can’t miss the best holidays in the American country.

Today we give you a brief summary of the main festivities so you can take note and participate as one more in your stay there. If you want to know more about the history of the USA then American history trivia questions websites will help you very well

Martin Luther King Day:

It is a holiday in the United States that is celebrated on the third Monday of January in tribute to Martin Luther King. His date of birth is remembered on January 15, 1929.

The main act is the president’s speech. It is a day to remember the injustices for which I fight, for the freedom and for the dignity of all races.

Presidents’ Day:

It is a holiday that is celebrated on the third Monday of February to commemorate all the presidents who have passed through the White House.

The date chosen is linked to the anniversary of the birth of George Washington that was on February 22, 1732, and of President Abraham Lincoln who was born on February 12, 1809.

Spring break:

These are the expected spring break for young university students and colleges. These are days where, above all, university students travel throughout the United States and a majority choose to disconnect from stress and routine on the warm beaches of Florida.

These holidays can begin at the end of February until the last days of April as it coincides with Easter.

Memorial Day:

The Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May each year. It is a very special day for Americans as they remember and honor the soldiers who died in combat on this day.

It is common for the president of the United States to give a speech on this date to honor the fallen soldiers in the different wars.

Independence day:

It is celebrated on July 4 and is a national holiday. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most important days in the United States, during this day there are various outdoor activities such as baseball games, large parades, and fireworks shows.

A day where the whole family enjoys the most, from the smallest to the oldest since the events are for all ages and of different characteristics.


It is the tradition of welcoming new students to universities and colleges. The goal is for these new students to meet new people while the alumni catch up after a long vacation.

During the Homecoming there are several events, the most prominent are usually the dance and the football game.


Surely you know this party. It is the night of witches or day of witches, a feast of Celtic origin that is celebrated the night of October 31, in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.

Although this party is increasingly celebrated in too many countries. This “terrifying day” is associated with orange, black and purple colors and the symbol of the popular pumpkin.

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Thanksgiving Day:

It is Thanks giving Day, a traditional celebration of the United States that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. You should know that it is also celebrated in Canada, but Canadians do it on the second Monday of October. As you know, turkey is the main course.

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