How is Leadership Related to Language and Communication?

How is Leadership Related to Language and Communication?


Leadership is one of the most critical parts for organizations to pivot their success. Good leadership goes a long way while on the contrary, bad leadership can cause companies to fail from the pinnacle in a short period. Companies such as Enron due to their unauthentic and selfish leadership started to indulge in immoral activities. Such activities, although it helps companies to be profitable for the shorter period, in the long run, these unjust deeds are likely to get uncovered. This happened with Enron as well, which led to the company being shut for good. A similar backlash occurred to Volkswagen when they tweaked their car performed when it was being tested so that the engine would release less carbon dioxide. But when the actual cars were tested, it was seen that the vehicles emitted much more of the gas than it would be advertised as. Hence this also affected the reputation of the entire company, and the company had to face many lawsuits and fines by the regulatory bodies. But why do some people become good leaders while others fail to prove themselves when tension is applied. The fact is their vocabulary words have been polished due difficult vocabulary test, and their way of delivering their message across to the people is one way, which makes them better than others.

All the influential people of the words have been seen to have a firm grip on what words they use and in what situation they use them. Martin Luther King’s speech, where he announces that he has a dream to see the nation without racism, is one of the most famous speeches in the history of racism. The sheer fact that he not only spoke the truth but in a manner that was constructive and had no sign of tautology. The fact is he was rose to the coloured folk as not only their leader but a liberator as well. This shows that in leadership, it is highly essential for people to understand their use of words can cause severe to people and could influence their way of thinking.

For this, we, as the modern people today, must understand this and start to shift our focus to things as little as 12th grade vocabulary words. These are such important things since they not only give self-motivation and drive, but it helps to polish a person’s skills as well. Helping people to develop qualities that will help them in effectively communicating with one and another is highly important. Such attributes include listening, understanding, and speaking skills. Such skills are classified as people’s skills, which are considered as immensely important for a person to motivate others. And what distinguishes a good from a bad leader is their ability to encourage others through communication and by leading from the front.

Hence, anyone who aspires to be a leader in the current time must spend his or her time learning the intricacies and the complex dynamics of their language, which would, in turn, help them to be a better all-around leader. Today there are many windows for people to learn their language or a common language which can help their lives professionally and personally as well. Academies and universities today offer courses specific to the professional field, which allows people to learn mannerisms of speech, which would have a direct impact on your professional dealings. But since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has become highly challenging to get yourself educated since human interaction must be kept at the very minimum. For this, websites such as have gained immense recognition and appreciation. The mere fact that the users of such services have increased since the outbreak of the pandemic gives validation to the fact that such websites are highly productive, given the situation. There are some queries people have with things such as online lectures not being as practical as the one-to-one interactions are as a learning mechanism. But people must realize that the COVID-19 virus is not going away soon for which we need to adapt to the situation and move along with it. We can not stay idle in our positions, hoping for things to get better. Hence, to learn better communication, people must realize that we must use such online methods as they are the only way around this virus. Many famous universities had already had such systems intact, which would not hinder the working of their students. This allowed such universities to keep the ball rolling and, with time, find better ways to deal with the situation.

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In conclusion, we must shift our focus to the fact that effective communication is strictly essential for aspiring and future leaders. The fact that communication helps to improve people’s skills must be acknowledged on a higher level.

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