Explore Unique Ways to Beautify Your Bedroom with Laminates

Explore Unique Ways to Beautify Your Bedroom with Laminates


The bedroom is where we spend a significant part of our day. It’s the first thing we see in the morning, and the place we retreat to after a long and hard day. It’s a haven—a place that is personal to us, where we find solace.

It’s necessary, therefore, to adorn our bedrooms in a way that reflects who we are, and create a sanctuary we never get tired of.  Century Laminates offers you the most versatile range of laminates to help you create the bedroom of your dreams.

Not only do we have a product for every taste, but Century Laminates are also carefully constructed to meet top standards. Century Laminates are scuff resistant that also provide protection against termites and viruses, and come with a 7-year-warranty.  Moreover, they are available in a variety of colours, textures, and themes.

Discussed below is the throng of decorative laminates Century Laminates offers, and how you can use them in unique ways to beautify your home.

1. Wood grains

Wood grains laminates from Century Laminates are the touch of nature to your bedroom that gives it an ambience that makes us feel as we are in the vicinity of nature itself. There is no need to polish the wood grains laminates as they give a sense of completion on their own. They’re also resistant to abrasion, stain, and heat which ensures durability.

Each design or pattern among the wide range of wood grains laminate is picked sincerely from the nature itself. The raw form makes the look of it more appealing and away from the fabricated forms of other range of laminates.

2. Silk Tuff

The Silk Tuff collection presents an array of smooth and solid laminates which can be the perfect addition to your bedroom workspace. They’re available in solids and marble finishes—both of which are good options for desks and counter tops.

Also, to liven up your work-station, you can pair the colourful, patterned designer laminates with solid Silk Tuff ones or with the European marble finish too.

3. Combination

A highly creative option, this collection blends two laminates to give birth to a new one.  This is Century Laminates most popular choice for bedrooms due to its versatility that makes it suitable for use anywhere around the bedroom. It’s especially ideal for the wall behind a bed, closets, or on the doors. Cabinets laminated with Combination laminates can brighten up any room.

We spend about 1/3rd of our lives in our bedroom. Century Laminates ensures every second of that time is beautiful. If you’re looking to amp up your bedroom, look no further than the wide variety offered by Century Laminates.

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