A Dedicated Server Can Offer both Security and Long-Term Benefits to Your Business

A Dedicated Server Can Offer both Security and Long-Term Benefits to Your Business


Many large to medium-sized companies need complete control of their server with access to the Server Control Panel. This is possible if you have a dedicated server in the United States that you can access from anywhere in the world. Various companies that offer web hosting services offer the advantages of a dedicated server with unlimited bandwidth.

USA Dedicated Server Hosting is a type of web hosting system in which the client can only use the server for his company and no one else can share it. It offers a secure and private network with the least tension and problems. This type of server is particularly useful for companies that have personal information about their customers and do not want them to be lost. In addition, full access to the server is available and all resources, performance and memory are fully used without the voltage of another user consuming space or power.

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Service providers who deal with web hosting offer effective and timely technical support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They also have an online support base where you can read frequently asked questions or find solutions to your own problems. There are lots of advantages to using USA based dedicated server:

  • Businesses can take advantage of the latest hardware at all times without incurring additional costs. Most suppliers will also be equipped with the latest and new technologies, and companies will never have to use outdated software, hardware or other infrastructures.
  • Another notable benefit is that companies can choose their own operating system based on business needs. This can be Linux, Windows or another operating system.
  • Most USA Dedicated Server Hosting India service providers also offer unlimited bandwidth to handle the heavy traffic on the site, as well as a flexible backup feature.
  • Since a single user uses the server, there is enough space for pictures, large files, and other functions.
  • Bottlenecks and slow server responses are reduced with increasing bandwidth.
  • Additional software and scripting options are also available with a dedicated server. There is more storage space for encoding and other information.
  • Although dedicated hosting may be slightly more expensive than shared servers, web hosting companies in India today have developed dedicated server hosting for all price ranges that is affordable and meets different business needs.

Why Are Dedicated Servers the Preferred Choice of Many Website Owners?

If you have ever hosted a website either from home or on someone else’s box, then you are quite familiar with the need for bandwidth. For this reason, Dedicated Server Hosting are often the choice of most website owners, and having a dedicated server will allow you to perform several functions that you would not be able to with a shared box.

One of the functions that web site owners enjoy is the ability to host their own files along with their website content. This would most certainly come in handy if you were attempting to run a file server or even host patches for video games. Also, many software developers host demo files of their products on Dedicated Server Hosting, and with that being the case, having a fast connection is more than paramount to keeping a functioning business.

Another clear benefit to running a server of this nature will be your ability to call on technical support whenever you need it. Companies that host Dedicated Server Hosting will typically have full support on staff to deal with dedicated customers. This will keep your website up and running at all hours of the day, regardless of holidays, which makes for a very stable business solution. 

The next reason, of course, is the user’s ability to take advantage of the entire hard drive rather than a small fraction of it. Also, you will be able to use every single resource on the computer including CPU time and RAM. Doing this will ensure that more users can take advantage of your webpage than would be possible on a basic shared box.

This does not mean that Dedicated Server Hosting are complete without their issues. Though they do tend to run much smoother and faster than your standard shared server, when you run one of these you will need to consider the cost. Because you are essentially renting an entire computer you can probably count on paying anywhere from $79 per month depending on both the package you choose as well as the type of computer you are using as your host.

Dedicated servers can be found virtually anywhere on the internet. All you will need to do is look for ‘webpage hosting’ or even ‘dedicated hosting’ with your favorite search engine, and before you know it you’ll have plenty of results that can help your business to succeed. If price becomes an issue then you can always search the web for additional results, possibly obtaining results that feature a much lower price.

In some cases, you can switch web hosts if you find that you do not have enough space, RAM, or are even paying too much. There are quite a few things can occur when you are dealing with dedicated hosting, but the one sure fact is that you don’t want to be without it. That being said, it’s time for you to start looking for dedicated hosting. It won’t be long before you find it and are well on your way to a great plan.

If you’re looking for affordable Dedicated Server Hosting for either business or personal use, Onlive Server offers reliable and secure USA Dedicated Server Hosting from only $79 per month. For more information about their four dedicated server packages, visit the Onlive Server website.

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