3 Mistakes to Look Out for as an Online Student

3 Mistakes to Look Out for as an Online Student


Studying online might sound like an alien concept, specially to those who have never taken part in an online class. However, online tuitions isn’t easy in any way and requires the same level of dedication and energy as traditional classes.

While there’s no guide on how to be an ideal online student, considering it is a relatively new phenomenon. Although, Tychr has you covered: we have brought together the 3 most common mistakes online students make and how you could avoid them.

Overestimating their technical capabilities

Being able to use social media applications smoothly does not qualify you as a techie. As we experience a shift from traditional to online classes, it is important that every student is able to fend for themselves in a virtual setting. Address any technical issues prior to the class. This could include:

  • Being well informed of the applications and tools required during ib tuition classes. Research on the platforms used to conduct classes and the features available. Be fully prepared so that you save time and energy during the learning process.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection to minimize any interruptions.

Keep distractions at bay while learning

With the internet at your disposal, it can be nearly impossible to not give into temptation. A quick peek at a celebrity’s instagram post couldn’t do much harm, could it? Only to find yourself scrolling through instagram for the next hour. So the next time:

  • Turn off any extra devices around you and keep yourself restricted to the application you are learning from
  • Cater to everything that needs your attention beforehand. In this way, you will have minimal distractions and undivided attention while learning
  • Online learning might just be the ‘new normal’, so the faster you get used to it, the better it is.
  • Take notes and list out your doubts. This way you will know what you understand and what you need further explanation on.

Lack of involvement / participation in classes 

Lack of participation is very common and we see it even more with the shift from traditional to online classes. However, in a traditional class a teacher would call out non-participating students, in the online setup this becomes difficult with the student’s mic and camera, invariably, switched off. We must have in mind to:

  • Turn your mic on occasionally, to voice your doubts, confirm or negate understanding of the topic being taught
  • Use the chat feature to communicate, this would lead to a group discussion on the topic that you may later refer to as well. This discussion may prove useful for you or your fellow participant in the future.
  • Ensure making notes of concepts you need clarity on and don’t hesitate to ask them whenever you get a chance.

It is important to keep these pointers in mind, they might come handy and actually improve your experience and success quotient with online classes.

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